Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Good Morning!

Halloween went well considering Aidan has hit the temper tantrum stage. He liked walking around the neighborhood but would throw himself down when he wasn't allowed to run into the street. But the big piles of leaves made him really happy!
He also was a stinker about letting us take his picture. So the pictures of him aren't great, but he was super cute dressed as a monkey! I found Gracie a banana costume but I ended up having to take it apart and stitch it back together to fit her little body. (Jen- I sewed by hand! lol)

Once Aidan was done with Trick-or-Treating (we only went to a few of our close neighbors houses and they all had a special treat for him) we came home and Aidan was being awful, so I put him to bed a little before 7pm. So Chris, Gracie and I sat outside and gave away candy. Gracie was a hit, she is the best dog ever! I never have to worry about her with kids and she just wanted everyone to pet her.
We ended up running out of candy (we had over 150 kids) so Chris and I curled up and watched a scary movie and went to bed. It was a great night!

Yesterday, I had a nice lazy day. I did do laundry and vacuum the house but I had a helper! :0)

Today, we have to go grocery shopping. So now I am trying to do meal planning.

I have the Christmas bug SO bad! I am ready to put up the Christmas tree and listen to Christmas music! Yesterday Chris and I sat down to work on our Christmas budget. Chris had gotten a VERY nice bonus this year (5 figures) so we were able to sock a bunch away and get all ready for the new baby. And I don't feel the normal holiday stress!

Tomorrow Gina is coming over for lunch and some chit chat. (we always watch 16 and Pregnant together)
Thursday, I have my Glucose test - yuck! I am just praying I don't throw up. Since everything makes me throw up. :-/ Plus my normal doctor visit.
Friday I have my MOPS meeting! Yay! :)

So next week is our (Chris and I) anniversary from when we started dating - November 11, 1998. So 12 years ago - after 3 months of "courting" me- He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. And the rest is history! <3

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ha! Loved that you sewed by hand- we've got to get you some sewing lessons :)

Sorry that Aidan was being a typical two year old- bleck :( We didn't even attempt halloween with Avery. We figure next year she'll be really ready to enjoy it.

Avery is going through her "limp noodle" phase as well. If we try to pick her up and she doesn't want us to, she'll throw her arms in the air and go all limp so it makes it really difficult to catch her. Annoying.

Wow! Good job Chris on the bonus, you guys are set :) I started shopping already since I'm not sure how easy it will be to get out and go shopping with a newborn!

Enjoy the rest of your busy week :) Sounds like you are feeling better from your cold, so that's good.