Sorry it has taken me so long to update, things have been crazy! However, two kids isn't as hard as I thought it would be, I just can't wait to start getting more sleep!
Monday night (1-10-11) I had my Mother's Blessing with my the ladies from MOPS. It was a beautiful and they were so sweet. They each brought a charm that represents something about me and then Molly put it all together and made me the most beautiful bracelet.
I felt fine that night.
The following day, Tuesday, I woke up with a headache. But I had to go to the grocery store. So I loaded Aidan up and we went grocery shopping. By the time I got home I was feeling horrible, my headache was the worse headache I've ever had. It felt like my head was splitting open. So, I just laid in bed and turned cartoons on so Aidan would hang out with me (and stay out of trouble). That day we had a nasty snow storm moving in. By the time Chris got home we had another few inches of snow...just enough to make the roads bad. However, that night we were supposed to go over to a friends house for dinner and to celebrate Christmas. I didn't want to cancel so we decided to just go. I took some tylenol and hoped my headache would get better. It didn't. We had a nice night and left around 9:30pm. I got in the car and told Chris I just want to lay in bed, with a cold wash cloth on my head and get some sleep. That night I kept waking up, unable to sleep due to the pain. Once around 2am, Chris told me to take my blood pressure, thinking it might be high. And it was. 160/90 and by morning I had 160/110. So we knew something was really wrong. We debated all night about calling the on-call doctor to see if they wanted me to come in. But with the snow storm and no one to watch Aidan right away, we decided to wait until the next day when I had a doctor appointment.
Wednesday morning, I still had the headache and now I was getting some vision disturbances in my left eye. It looked like I had a smudge on my contact and I even went and rinsed it thinking there was something wrong with it. But thats when I realized I had blurry vision.
My best friend, Gina, was coming over at noon so I could go to the doctor at 1:30pm. That morning I had thrown up a couple times and was feeling really miserable. I made some lunch for Gina and Aidan and I left around 12:45. I get to the office and my nurse takes me right back to get weighed and pee in a cup. She asks how I'm feeling and I tell her I'm miserable and what all has been going on. At first she says "is it just because you're done being pregnant?" I told her I was very done being pregnant but this was real and I was feeling awful. She takes my blood pressure and it was 160/90 just like it was at home. The she recognizes that somethings wrong.
Dr. Benjamin comes in and takes one look at me, my blood pressure and tells me he wants me to go to the hospital to get blood work and a non-stress test. I was naked from the waist down because I supposed to get checked, he didn't even bother. The doctor called the hospital to let them know I was coming and to talk to his partner on call which just happened to be the Chief of the department and really nice older doctor.
I call Chris on the way home, tell him what's going on. I also called Gina who was watching Aidan. She didn't have to work that night so I set her up with stuff to make dinner for Aidan. Thank goodness I went to the store because I had all sorts of food, easy to make food, in the house!
When I got home, Aidan was napping, so Gina and I packed my hospital bag, just in case. Chris and Gina both thought I was going to deliver Keegan but I didn't. I had been to the hospital a lot with Aidan and was sent home after being checked out.
Chris gets home and off we went to the hospital. We get there and I get signed in. As the nurse came to get me and get me into a bed in the triage area to be monitored we both recognized each other. She was my favorite nurse from when I had Aidan! She is just a sweet, wonderful person. She gave me a hug and mothered me. It was wonderful.
My blood pressure had gone down a little but the headache was still in full swing. Dr. Bayram (chief of the department) came in with a medical student/resident (or something) I wasn't paying attention as he was gorgeous! LOL They did blood work and hooked me up to the monitor.
The doctor comes back an hour later and says "well, we're either going to do the c-section tonight or in the morning." At this point I am freaking out...I was not ready to bring the baby home. I still had baby clothes to wash, I felt so unprepared.
Anyway, since I had been sick that morning and I hadn't eaten they decided to do the c-section that night. But first I had to have a couple bags of fluid via IV, as I was pretty dehydrated. Which also explains all the contractions I was having and the monitor was picking up. They were like every 3 minutes, but not very strong.
So then it was time to get undressed and have the catheter put in...without being numb. Ouch!
I walked into the OR and got set up on the table to get my spinal put in my back. It's very similar to the epidural, but it only lasts the maximum of 2 hours and it's put into a different space in the back. It hurt, like the epidural hurt but within seconds of having it injected I felt super warm all through my legs and up my body. I was numb from the chest down. So, they lay me on the table, cover me up, get Chris into the room and start their thing. This time I did feel different things than I did last time. Last time I felt nothing this time I could feel them wiping my tummy and getting the area ready to make the incision. But I couldn't feel anything sharp. Weird!
Before I knew it, I could feel all the pulling and pressure of them pulling Keegan out. This time they set me up with a mirror so I could see him being born! It was amazing! The doctors had warned me that he may need a little help breathing because they didn't know how mature his lungs were going to be. But sure enough he came out screaming! I cried! He was beautiful!
They had a special doctor there just for Keegan, just in case he was going to have problems. SO he really checked him out, they did have to work a little longer to get the fluid out of lungs but within minutes he was pink and screaming! Apgar scores of 8 and 9. Not too shabby!
Keegan Patrick Hall was born at 6:20pm January 12, 2011. Weighing 7lbs 0oz and 19 1/2 inches long!