Friday, January 7, 2011

A much needed MOPS meeting

Today, I have really tried to stay positive and try not to stress out. I am finding that very difficult lately. But with more stress I am having more braxton-hicks contractions and they make me feel horrible. They are getting so strong that I feel like I could pee my pants.
So naturally, it snowing like crazy this morning, my car wasn't cleaned off from the snow yesterday either, the roads were horrible and to top it off Aidan was being crabby. He has learned to say "no" to everything. It was a battle getting his coat, mittens, and shoes on. Arg!

But I NEEDED to get out and go to the meeting! So we get there a little late, no big deal. The speaker they had today was really great, she does all her cooking for the month in one day and then freezes it. And for a family of 5 only spends $80-$100 on the meals for the month - not including the fresh stuff, like milk and whatnot.
It was very cool!

I go back upstairs to get Aidan and he was SO excited to see totally melted my heart! He hugged me and even patted my arm! So we have been working on walking and holding my hand so I don't have to carry him. Some days it's great...other days, not so much. So going into MOPS was great, he held my hand played in the snow a little and was very good. But coming out, he had a tantrum kicked his shoes off and was crying/screaming. So, I'm contracting, carrying him picking up was a mess. And he cried the whole way home. :-/
But he just ate A LOT for lunch so I'm guessing he played hard and was just really hungry. They do get snacks but sometimes it's not enough.

Anyway, my amazing friends from MOPS are throwing me and another girl, Andrea, at my table a "Mother's Blessing" it's like a baby shower without gifts, but we are doing a labor/birthing necklace for each of us. Each charm will be given from our friends and will have special meaning and we can wear them during labor/birthing to know we are supported. They will pray for our babies and a safe delivery. It's a beautiful tradition!
Its very cool! I am so excited! Andrea is due the day before me, has a son 3 months older than Aidan and is also having another boy. So we have a lot in common. :)
So that will be Monday night!

Tonight we are doing a craft night, we will have some snacks and we can all work on whatever craft we just don't get the time to work on with kids and husbands and life! :) I am crocheting a blanket for Keegan, just like I did for Aidan, I am about 80% done. So this will be a great time to really work on it without "someone" running off with my yarn! lol And I get out of the house to hangout with the girls!!!!!

Now, it's nap time for Aidan and I need to rest!

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