Monday, April 18, 2011


I feel as though I am at a crossroad.
You know those dreams you have in life, the ones you think "if only..." If only I had the time, If only I had the money, If only I had the education, If only...

I want to write a book.
I have always wanted to write a book, ever since I was little. I don't care if I only publish one book and no one buys it (I do confess that I would heartbroken that no one would want to buy it).

My concerns.
I feel as though I have no time. But if there is a will, there is a way- who needs sleep.
I feel like I don't have qualifications to write a book. Truthfully, anyone can write a book, have you seen some of the crap out there?
I feel like the book I would write will never be good enough and I will be easily discouraged. ????
The book I want to write seems so huge that I have a hard time organizing my ideas. This can easily be remedied with a flow chart...etc.

Oh I don't know...I don't want this to become another "great idea" that gets started and never finished.

Okay...I'm going to do it.
No wait. I'm scared.
No I'm going to do it!

Well, here's to being a mom of two young kids, a wife, a maid, a cook, trying to lose weight, keep a solid relationship with my husband, keep up with friends & family AND write a book. (and I am sure that I missing a few other things)


Jen said...

You go girl!!! Now is the time, while you've got the passion to do it :)

Unknown said...

Check out Novel writing software. It will allow you to organize your thoughts and start putting it all together. Some of the good programs are a bit pricey, but if it's your dream I would go for it.