Wednesday, December 15, 2010

34 week appointment

Today i had my 34 week was very uneventful. My blood pressure keeps going down (Yay!) but event he nurse asked today if i was doing anything different and I said I've been trying to eat better - ie: more protein, more fiber...yada yada.
Really it's kinda crazy, but good. I took it the other day while I was at home. It was 122/66. I was shocked!

I go back in two weeks for my last ultrasound...I'm anxious to see HOW big this little guy is since I am HUGE, he is measuring on the larger side and I am now losing weight.

Then after that I start going every week and before you know it, it will be time to have Keegan.
Sigh. I have been very emotional, going between wanting Keegan now and not wanting my pregnancy to end. I am pretty sure he is our last and it makes me sad. Honestly, I cry over nothing right now...and I am an emotional wreck.
I think part of me wants to try to have this baby naturally...but I also know all the reasons why I don't. Sigh.

This Friday is our last MOPS meeting until after the holidays. It's our turn to bring food and they have a fun activity planned. I am very excited! Also, the ladies at my table are giving me a "Mother's Blessing" - kinda like a baby shower but no gifts and just a celebration of the new baby about to come into the world.

Next week...I turn 30. I am not really sad about it or anything but I have to wonder where my 20's went to?! But I have to say that Chris and I spent most of our 20's having fun and enjoying life. We really had so much fun together and now is our time to raise our babies and enjoy them...they don't stay small for long. :)
One thing that I have started doing is straightening my hair. It looks really nice ( a little more grown up) and it's just something new for me. As Chris called it - I'm having a mid-life hair crisis. LOL I just needed something new!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh Tara, I know exactly how you feel. You've got quite a few "big" things going on right now- turning 30, the upcoming birth of your 2nd child, etc. Just remember your body is not its normal self right now- those hormones are all out of whack!

Give it a few more weeks and I can guarantee you will feel more than ready to not be pregnant anymore :)

Have fun at MOPS!