I walk out to the kitchen, open the blinds to only realize the weather man was right. Rain, cold and more rain. I, and everyone else "here in the north" are pretty sick of cold, grey days with rain (or snow). It is draining on your mind, body and soul.
After feeding Keegan first thing in the morning, I make Chris's lunch and I get a sippy cup ready for Aidan, who is always thirsty when he first gets up.
One of my trips to the fridge I notice that my calendar is still on March. Oops. Meh, it was overlooked, like many other things. lol The message on my calendar was "There Will be Showers of Blessings" Ezekiel 34:26.
I look outside and realize that "it", my calendar, was right. Like all things it was a message reminding me that with all things there is a season. Right now we have grey, rainy days. But soon flowers and fresh grass with Summer on the horizon.
As a mother of two young children, I feel like we are in the Spring-time of life. It's muddy, messy, draining, dreary, wet and sometimes leaves you feeling unfulfilled.
Their personalities are just blossoming, they are learning new things every day, their smile is the rainbow after the rain.
Again, soon Summer will be here and we will miss the cooler weather, the rain, the mess.
On Twitter, I follow the Dalai Lama. He has 1,560,789 followers but follows no one. March 14th he writes:
"As well as restraining ourselves from negative thoughts and emotions, we need to cultivate and reinforce our positive qualities."
During Spring, it feels as we strip a layer of old off, the layers of Winter, and we awake a new, better person.
Every day I strive to be better.
I never pray to be a better wife or mother. But I pray to be better at dealing with the crazy, stressful situations. I never pray for Aidan to be well behaved, but I pray that I can handle him with more grace and patience.
I never pray that Keegan sleeps when I need him to, but I pray that he is comfortable and if his comfort means I need to hold him or get up with him in the middle of the night, then that's what I need to do for him.
I don't pray to be a better wife to my husband, but I pray that if I fall short that he understands and taking care of our house and children is the greatest way I show him love and devotion.
Well, Aidan has just dumped his toys box...Life is messy! But I love it!
life IS messy. i needed these words today. I thank God for webmd message boards and that through all the psychos there, i found two amazing women who have taught me and loved me for close to 3 years! love you Tara!
You got it girlfriend! Keep up the good work :)
Sarah- Oh my, it has been close to 3 years! Holy cow! It's crazy!
I am so glad my thoughts helped you today!
Jen- Thank you! It feels good to get out my thoughts in the morning!
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